
ORGANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS        We provide analysis and assessment of internal structures, practices, and resource allocations relative to achieving articulated goals and objectives.

CALIBRATED MESSAGING                       We provide consultation and assistance in creating and refining presentations and materials that are effectively tailored to the interest and decision making of the intended audiences.

NCAA GOVERNANCE                                  We provide consultation regarding effective AND COMPLIANCE                                      organization and procedures relative to institutional control of athletics, and compliance practices.

ACCREDITATION PRACTICES                  We provide active assistance in developing policies and procedures that facilitate successful accreditation efforts.  Particular services are provided in developing arguments and documentation of compliance with governing standards.

RESEARCH AND EVALUATION                We provide and execute research and evaluation designs to raise and answer questions regarding retention and graduation, programmatic and organizational performance, alignment, and effectiveness.

FUND DEVELOPMENT                                We provide assistance in identifying and pursuing funding from foundations, government agencies, and philanthropic organizations. 
